Ok- for those of you who don't know Michael, he is a 60 year old, slightly mentally unstable, and a very tall man that has worked for Chimi's for 23 years. He works 7 days a week and manages to simultaneously get everyone he knows to both love him and want to choke him at almost every moment. Well, I have gotten into the habit of driving him home everyday from work (even though he only lives a block and a half from the restaurant), so on Monday he requested that I drive him to Payless to buy new shoes on the way home. First of all, this is NOT on the way home, Second of all, I do get paid to be at the restaurant, so I told him I would be happy to but he would have to wait until 4. Several hours of arguing later,he convinced me to take him in the middle of my work day... So off we go to the Payless on Pine and Lewis. According to Michael we must go there because they are the only ones that carry the size 14 shoe that he requires!!
Payless on Pine and Lewis is not the nicest shoe store in town but everyone seems to know him there and it seems relatively safe. Unfortunately, they do not have the shoes he wants in a size 14 but they do have them in a size 13. He assures me that once he cuts his toenails that the size 13 will fit just fine!!! (gross, gross, gross, and more gross) So, the shoes are bought and after a nice 30 minute conversation with the clerk we exit the store. As we are leaving the largest black man in the biggest fur coat you have ever seen comes up to us and says in a very deep voice "Hey, y'all want to buy some movies?". Michael replies, very innocently "I would sir , but I don't have a projector". At this point I am laughing like the fool that I am and the large man in the large fur coat moves along for sure thinking that we were the crazy ones.
So, shoes are bought and toenails are clipped, and everyone is happy, so I think!!. The next morning Michael says to me:"Lori, I really appreciate you taking me to buy shoes, but I really wanted to stop at Church's Chicken. Why didn't you take me there?' Dios Mio and Oye Vey- you just cant make everyone happy.
p.s. I start training for my second marathon in a few weeks and I can't wait!!
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